Day Fifty-Nine - 8/11/2012 - Cork

     I had computer science class today, which involved a lot of programming images from a byte standpoint.  If it sounds annoying, that's because it is.
     This Saturday the country is going to vote on the Children's Referendum.  The referendum is designed to give children more rights, specifically allowing for state intervention with married and non married parents in cases of abuse or neglect.  It also allows for intervention if the child's welfare is threatened, replacing some wording that stated if they child was physically or morally hurt.  Ireland has a Constitution that is changed by referendum on basis of popular vote.
     I have heard a positive vote, wishing to change the constitution to the new wording from my history professor.  He felt that it would give the state the ability to intervene in a situation of abuse, regardless of the marital status of the parents.  In all, he felt that it would better serve children in need.
     I have also heard views against it.  Some people in Killarney felt that it was useless legislation, that children have enough rights as it is.  They feel that the current law is adequate and there is no need to amend it.
     In the wake of the United States Presidential Election, Irish citizens go to the polls.

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Go raibh maith agat.
(Irish, literal: A thousand thanks)
Thanks a million!